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About  Japan Art Mime Society

Japan Art Mime Society was founded in the Geijutsu Souzou Shoodan NPO Theater Collective (Theater X (cai)), August 2012.


This society centered on the JIDAI  (founder of JIDAI Organic Mime). We are different from other Mimes in Japan. Our art originated in Poland and has derived from Pantomime as a distinct universal theatre.


 In Art Mime, the process of gaining knowledge, learning techniques and subsequently expressing can cause one’s body and spirit to enter a state of nothingness while, at the same time, becoming a part of everything and being everything. We believe that this kind of experience, where one’s heart and body  each other, will be the power for life, the way of life.

We want to bring it not just to artist but to all of the people. And we wish that many of them will be able to feel a peace within their own hearts and bodies.


We are working on spreading and enlightening activities for not just Art Mime but different kinds of body expressions as well, in order to stimulate the developments of artists, while also bringing a deeper understanding of body expressions to audiences.






■ Vice President / Junko Koma (The Mime Art Theatre/Warsaw)


■ Managing Director / Misako Ueda ( Theater  X  artistic director)

Yoshito Ohno (Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio)

Fujima Tamasaho (Fujima style Japanese dance instructor )




■ 20 August 2012


[Pillars of activity]


■ Education and guidance to assist the growth of the artist

■ Bring more opportunities for creative works to the artists

■ Public relations and educational activities of the body expressive arts to society

What is Art Mime?


Generally, Pantomime is known as Etienne Decroux and Marcel Marceau from France, or Silent movie, symbolic gesture movements in Silent Theatre, or just a different kind of Dance. But, there is a Polish Mime artist Stefan Niedzialkowski(1945~) who used to be one of the best actor in Wroclaw Pantomime Theatre founded by a genius Polish theatre artist Henryk Tomaszewski(1919~2001). Through his mime, Stefan Niedzialkowski built up Mime Art Theatre, in which one’s body becomes a mirror of one’s thoughts. He created Mime as a Universal Art. Therefore, we named it as Art Mime.


Art Mime is not a Mime which uses some superficial techniques and imitates something.

Art Mime is not just Silent Theatre which doesn’t use words. Art Mime purely cares about humanity and the existence of humans. Where the inside becomes body and the body becomes inside. This is a true mime, an Art Mime.


Art Mime has the ability to exist on the stage without special costume, music, or light, using only the body of actor, and the spirit of actor. It must be like that..


When Art Mime is performed well and understood clearly, this excellent body expression can easily overcome the barriers of languages and culture and it is able to amplify our essential emotions and spirituality, making them visible through the body of an actor. At the same time,  we think that Art Mime can be a basis and a destination for all kinds of body expression.


This general movement theatre will have big influence on many kinds of art, philosophy, literature, and music. We hope that more people will look at humanity and start longing for peace by experiencing Art Mime.

photo: hitomi takano

photo:hidehiro kato

photo:Christine Olma

photo:Christine Olma

photo:Christine Olma

photo:Michael Steinebach


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